Sugar and play dough is an interesting mix!

Sugar and play dough is an interesting mix:

Do you have play dough in your home? And do you have all the little tools to make it fun? We do! We like sugar in our home. How about you? Do you like sugar in your home? Sugar and play dough is an interesting mix. What am I getting at?

Well my daughter wants to play with play dough. In order for me to do something creative, I must generate ideas. So I visit You Tube and Google. Because I want to find those ideas. Of course, my daughter is waiting near my desk. Resulting in her seeing a video where the presenter is making play dough that one can eat. Click! And we begin to watch this mom work out the play dough. Sugar! Instantly, there is a lot of sugar. Since in my youth, I remember the adults saying that we were not suppose to eat the play dough, the video catches my attention. Sugar and play dough is an interesting mix. When one opens a new container of play dough from the store, it does have a particularly inviting smell. Yet, I never had a desire to eat it.

Edible Play Dough Video:

It looks like Cassie has many fun videos in which young children get to make things that are super colorful and edible.

What was our process to make this interesting mix?

As mentioned, sugar and play dough is an interesting mix! After watching the video, we made for the kitchen. For some reason, we hade a stockade of frosting containers. However, we do not have Kool Aide. But we have another stockade of food coloring dyes. For the confectioner’s sugar, we had three cups. So we started the process and then knew that Cassie had truly counted very actually. Because the dough was very sticky still. Thankfully, we had already planned on going to the grocery store after lunch. We put a lid on the dough and it sat and waited for about three hours just fine.

How does the sugar and play dough taste?

In the title and throughout, I have mentioned that sugar and play dough are an interesting mix. Especially interesting, if you want to give the sugary mixture a taste. It tastes super sweet and edible. But neither my daughter nor I really wanted to eat a lot of it. Knowing that we were going to be playing with it, did no make it desirable to eat either.

Playing with the sugar play dough:

Let’s score our sugar play dough creations. Many of us start with play dough by pulling, smashing, rolling, and using the tools to make recognizable things on our world. I would think that young children may approach play dough with out a lot of preconceived ideas or plan of action. However, my daughter decided that we would look around our space and choose something to make. Our play time turned into an art contest with play dough creations. It was like those cake decorator on television who get judged based on a theme.

So we did. But first she made a person. It resembled her drawing of people so well. After seeing her person, I was inspired to join her.

She added bunny ears and placed it on the stick to protect my desk from the residual. So polite!

Next we made an owl. Then she wanted us to grade the owl. But being a teacher, I told her that I needed criteria to grade the artwork. Criteria like how creative, 3 dimensional, and detailed is the work of art. Does it actually look like the object. She did not like that. So I followed her led. I just gave it an O or S for outstanding or satisfactory. That pleased her.

Next we made a cactus. We did not use the bin of play dough tools. We used popsicle sticks and wooden ice cream scoops that I have had for years. Also the use of the tooth picked worked well for texture.

A challenge:

Then she throws in a challenge. How are we to make a tennis court with players? Some how we managed it. She was very critical of how I had to put supports under my net.

Fourth, we made a house. So I enter in my construction thinking about all the forms that play dough can make. We have cubes, rectangular prisms, pyramids, domes, cylinders, and more. Yet she does not go all in this play dough creation. Her house is very basic compared to mine. But as the parent, we cannot be too critical.

And our final sugary play dough creation was a present. How dear and adorable is it to end our play with a gift to each other. It is interesting to watch how children handle the task compared to the adult. After my daughter sees how I produce a bow on my package, then she gives it a try with success.

If you are at a loss of what to do next time with play dough, then here are possibilities. Make a super sugary dough and eat it. Or developed an art contest. Another possibility with the art contest is to list many different things on sheets of paper. Put them in a bowl and take turns pulling out the ideas that you each make. It is all about quality time with our children in the end.

Check out this link for another quality activity that I did with my daughter:

If you like owls like we do, then check out this post with printmaking some owls:

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