Glitter Paint

Going to the art supply store…

What are we to do with glitter paint?

The art supply store is like a treasure room. Because of this, my children enjoy going there when I mention it. But it is rare because I know I will end up spending more money than I wish and get additional things I did not want. Like this particular visit. We needed more tempera paint. Yet on the shelf were more choices than expected. Then my daughter spotted the glitter paint. What are we to do with the glitter paint? It is time to explore glitter paint.

At least four different bundles were being offered. Therefore, we could choose the regular colors with primary colors and three additional colors like black, green, and purple. Another was a selection of six neon, glow in the dark, and pastel colors. My daughter was all over examining the colors. Her eyes and mind were fixated on the glitter paints. Glitter is not my thing.

Now I have to make a choice of what paint to buy. I have only a certain amount of money in my purse, so I have to be very mindful of the cost. No matter, I give in to purchasing two bundles of paint, which includes the glitter paint. Of course, I am thinking what are we going to do with it?


So my daughter is demonstrating all the creative juices that I have. She enjoys all things art. Markers, paint, glue, and many things that were not even around when I was a child. It is absolutely remarkable how our children are replicas of us. How about you? Do you see your children behave or have similar interests to you?

“Oh no! No, No, Mommy. Don’t take a picture.”

What are we to do with glitter paint?

Time to explore.

Not much is done with the paint because it behaved as I expected. The glitter gets pushed around on the paper with the color. It is just an added extra in the paint. And the paint is a bit translucent. Now I state this as if it was all bad, but not exactly. The colors were pretty and when the art dried the glitter sparkles. In the end, my daughter and I enjoyed our painting time together. And that is all that truly matters right?

Check out our paintings.

Drawing on the paintings:

Several years ago, both my children painted messy masterpieces in their high chairs and elsewhere. I kept many of them with the intent to draw on top of them with my own intertwined masterworks. However, I have yet to do so. But with these glitter paintings, I was able to draw a bit. It took me just a little time to decipher what to draw. My images emerged from the examination of the negative space.

Hope you gain some inspiration to try something new. And just maybe what you expected does not exactly turn out that way. Look for the inspiration around you daily. It is everywhere.

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