How to engage children creatively in God’s word. Honestly, I did not grow up understanding the Bible. I did not attend church services. So how do we change this for our children? Now I know that many church services and churches have children programs to teach and lead children in God’s word. But how do we do it as parents? How to engage children in God’s word? I hope these ideas will help you: Coloring pages Illustrating verses Checking YouTube Listening to Christian music Asking questions Have a theme each day Bible memory verses So yes I know some of them are a given. WhenRead More →

There are many many many art lessons/projects on the web with the snowman or snow-person theme. There are some that focus on point of view, perspective, value, form, etc. So really-how can I make it different? Well I have. I have developed and instructed several different lessons with the snow-person theme. These have occurred over several years for several different ages and supplies. Below you will find art lessons that discuss how to make three different snow-persons. It is winter and children are waiting for snow. Do you remember the days that you enjoyed the snow too. As a child, did you go out inRead More →

A long time ago, husband and wife would go out and enjoy the evening on New Year’s Eve. Now days with children in the home, that is less likely to happen. What to do with a family of 4 on New Year’s Eve? This is what many parents ask. How do these kids stay engaged and entertained. Especially if you do not want them to be on device all day and evening. Or better yet, you have a child that a doesn’t enjoy being on a device. Yes, this is possible-a child that doesn’t want to spent the last day of the year on aRead More →