Many times, an art lesson encompasses more than art concepts.  Stories are told.  History is recorded.  Ideas developed.  Personal expression occurs.  As a matter of fact, I listen to children as they make art and I witness all the above and more. How to Engage Kids with Springtime Nature led to this lesson which include Caterpillars and lines. Use line and shape to develop leaves and fun caterpillars in motion. How to Engage Kids with Springtime Nature Kids naturally like to explore the outside. It is not healthy for them to be stuck indoors all the time. Sometimes it is fun to bring the indoorsRead More →

How to use scribbles with your art students? How to use scribbles with your art students? Here are six methods of using scribbles in art making. Scribbles are inviting, fun, and wild.  Most children easily pick up a drawing tool and make marks which eventually become scribbles.  Here are many ways to look at scribbles differently. Let’s define and look at how to use scribbles with your art students today.  A good starting point Scribbles are a good starting point when it comes to art making, because kids just make them.  If you type scribble art in the search bar of your internet browser, youRead More →

As an art teacher, we go through a lot of paper. Paper comes in standard sizes and yet, I tend to not use the paper in its standard size. Therefore the paper is cut on the paper cutter into different sizes and shapes. Many strips of paper are left behind. I don’t know about you but art teachers struggle with throwing things away. So I have a box of colorful strips of paper and another box of white paper strips. What am I to do with these paper scraps? Make a paper sculpture in an hour. From 2 Dimensional to 3 Dimensional When the artRead More →