Going to the art supply store… What are we to do with glitter paint? The art supply store is like a treasure room. Because of this, my children enjoy going there when I mention it. But it is rare because I know I will end up spending more money than I wish and get additional things I did not want. Like this particular visit. We needed more tempera paint. Yet on the shelf were more choices than expected. Then my daughter spotted the glitter paint. What are we to do with the glitter paint? It is time to explore glitter paint. At least four differentRead More →

Children… Recently, I had to call some kindergarteners to the back table to catch up on artwork, because they were absent. I started to explain what to do so I took turns looking at them. I just had to stop myself and say out loud that they had no idea what I saw. God’s Grace To my right was a little girl with big brown eyes and freckles. To my left was this super cute round-headed African American boy, who carries himself like a little gentleman. Next to him was a mixed-race girl with fun curls around her face. Next to her was a whiteRead More →

Discuss symmetry with nature. Recently, I was able to observe some butterflies at a local nature center.  On a bench, the butterfly opened and closed its wings like it was fanning itself with the morning sun.  So slowly its wings moved from the middle out and back. Resulting in a display that exhibits nature’s perfect symmetrical balance.  Here is a go to subject to discuss symmetry with nature. Every art teacher is familiar with the butterfly as the perfect subject for symmetry.  Alike, I too have taught my share of big beautiful butterflies. One year I used paper towel tubes for bodies.  Another year, IRead More →