As an art teacher, we go through a lot of paper. Paper comes in standard sizes and yet, I tend to not use the paper in its standard size. Therefore the paper is cut on the paper cutter into different sizes and shapes. Many strips of paper are left behind. I don’t know about you but art teachers struggle with throwing things away. So I have a box of colorful strips of paper and another box of white paper strips. What am I to do with these paper scraps? Make a paper sculpture in an hour. From 2 Dimensional to 3 Dimensional When the artRead More →

10 Ways to use Crayons in the Art room Crayons have been around longer then many may think. Since the days of Leonardo Da Vinci, artists have played around with color in a stick form. Crayons are more then a coloring tool. They can do more. After working with many other art supplies in the school art room, I have come to desire the use of less messy media. What do you think? Making art lessons more simple will lead to faster results but continued exploration and learning. So I developed an eBook that explains 10 ways to use crayons in the art room. AllRead More →