How to engage children creatively in God’s word

How to engage children creatively in God’s word. Honestly, I did not grow up understanding the Bible. I did not attend church services. So how do we change this for our children? Now I know that many church services and churches have children programs to teach and lead children in God’s word. But how do we do it as parents?

Matthew 7:7

How to engage children in God’s word?

I hope these ideas will help you:

  • Coloring pages
  • Illustrating verses
  • Checking YouTube
  • Listening to Christian music
  • Asking questions
  • Have a theme each day
  • Bible memory verses

So yes I know some of them are a given.

When covid invaded our lives, church and school were shut down. This is when I stepped into action. Or better yet, this is when God worked. Originally, our family tuned into virtual church. But that was not filling our kids. The next step was to search online for other resources. Then I came upon Kid’s Church Online. A church across the ocean in a European country was sharing God’s word in a fun and interactive way. Their YouTube videos were then played each Sunday morning. And still are. As the parents we have also been engaged.

Illustrate the Bible Memory Verse

From the list above we started with watching the videos. Then I thought that we should draw a picture that goes along with the Bible memory verse. What we did first was have Mommy draw the picture with the help of the children giving the ideas for what the picture should look like. So each of us had a similar picture. Then we colored it. It was posted on our dinning room wall to help use remember it through the week. When driving in the car and throughout the week, I will bring up the verse and our drawings. Therefore we all started to keep our focus on God and develop the storing of His word in our hearts and minds.

So we did this the first two weeks or so. Then Daddy started to join us on Sundays and it became a family event. We listen to the fun engaging Kid’s Church Online snippet. Then we brainstorm how we will draw our own pictures to illustrate the verse. Sometimes my daughter and I will look online to get ideas. My son always has ideas. The Daddy sits quietly developing his. This family time is our church time with God.

It evolves.

What has happened in recent Sunday is that we have discussions while drawing. Our discussions have been about how the parents though they understood the verse. The kids get to listen to this conversation. It is good for them to hear the adults in the home learn and decipher God’s word too. The kids will pipe in their thoughts to or what they learned at school through their faith studies.

In addition, we listen to Christian music while we draw and color. sometimes the lyrics to the songs catch our thoughts or leads to connections in our lives too. And there are the amazing moments when the son starts to sing along with the music. That is super special.

Kid’s Church Online

Kid’s Church Online probably has no idea how they have helped me. But God knows! They have guided me on how to engage kids in God’s word creatively. Because we have been able to stop the pause the video and check the children for understanding. We have asked them how they could show some of the verses in their daily walk or have they experienced anything like the verse talks about.


Early on, Kid’s Church Online had recommended some daily themes. I ended up translating them to the following:

  • Sunday-Illustrate God’s word: memory verse.
  • Monday-Work the memory verse into prayer or bring it up during family time.
  • Tuesday-Testimonials: Where did you see God at work today.
  • Wednesday-Worship in audible song or listen to music.
  • Thursday-Thank God for something today and share your thankfulness with the family.
  • Friday-What was fun today?
  • Saturday-Give a shout out to someone from the past week. Did they help you or do they need prayer?

My goal for the post was how to engage children creatively in God’s word. As you see, the time to engaged children in God’s word creatively does not have to be lengthy. It could be a few minutes conversation at dinner, in the car, before bed, and even while you give your 1st grader a bath.

The seed planted now will grow into an incredible tree. We just need to water it daily.

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